Stand Up America
Hey folks it’s time to stand up for those who can’t speak for themselves
We have babies and young children locked up in cages like animals- stuck in the quagmire of the policies of the United States of America – a country that has always opened its doors to millions of immigrants fleeing their homes searching for the American dream. 

Why must the children suffer from the ignorance and discrimination of those who believe that it’s God’s will to keep families separate?   Powerful men and women are hiding behind the bible espousing false teachings as they attempt to build walls, destroy lives and turn their backs on those who cry out for help. 
We are encouraged to do well and to share with others.  I’m not a theologian but I don’t believe that God desires that we turn our backs on those in need.
It’s time folks - Stand Up – let’s work together in making American great for all not just those in power.  The politicians work for us, we don’t work for them.  We have the power to change the course of history, advocate for the rights of all, fight for equality and justice for those who can’t fight for themselves.  If we say nothing as they come for the disenfranchised and powerless, what happens when they come for us?

Peace and Blessings


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